Wednesday, May 1, 2013

'Red Rose' Storm found on Saturn

In 2004 the Cassini Space Probe reached Saturn. It is still in orbit there and recently sent back this stunning image of an enormous hurricane at the planet's north pole thought to be 1000 miles wide.

NASA's Cassini probe captured an image of Saturn's polar storm

Saturn is the second largest planet in our Solar System and is best known for its ring systems.
All of the four outer planets (the gas giants) have ring systems but Saturn's icy systems reflect huge amounts of light making them easier to see.

 The above piture was taken by Cassini as it was in Saturn's shadow and looked back towards the eclipsed Sun. Saturn is still visible due to reflected light off the rings.
The dulling of Saturn made the rings much more visible and even led to the discovery of new ring systems.
Saturn has a total of 8 ring systems of which most are visible below. This includes 3 main rings and 5 dusty rings. The gap between Satturn's A ring and B ring is known as the 'Cassini Division'.

Saturn's Rings. Image credit: NASA/JPL/SSI 

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