Thursday, December 13, 2012

Earth, Moon & Sun

End of Topic Review

During the first term we have managed to cover the first of four topics in the GCSE Astronomy course.
Next term we will study 'Planetary Systems'. In this unit we will cover our Solar Sytem, Comets, Meteors and how we search for planets outsuide of our Solar System.
This is a good time to fill in any gaps in your knowledge.

Would you be able to write about the following?
This should give you a good idea on how you are following the course so far.
  • The most important features of the Earth?
  • The electomagnetic spectrum and the issues with observing each part of the spectrum with relation to the atmosphere.
  • Why is the sky blue?
  • What is light pollution?
  • Eratostene's calculation of the Earth's circumference.
  • What is the difference betweeen a Solar day and a Sidereal day?
  • Refracting and Reflecting Telescopes.
  • The Van Allen Belts
  • The Moon's main features
  • What are the Maria and Highlands and what caused the Maria.
  • The far side and near side of the Moon and the differences between them.
  • Rilles and Wrinkle Ridges.
  • Giant Impact Hypothesis.
  • How to observe the Sun safely.
  • What are Sunspots, including a labelled diagram and what causes them.
  • Different rotational periods of the Sun.
  • Using Sunspots to calculate the Sun's rotational period.
  • The Solar cycle and butterfly diagrams.
  • Nuclear Fusion as the source of the Sun's energy.
  • Solar Prominences, Solar Flares, Solar wind and the Aurora.
  • Solar and Lunar eclipses.
  • Lunar phases.
  • Shadow sticks and sundials.
  • The equation of time.
Don't worry about memorising all the big numbers yet. We'll get those sorted closer to the exam.

For help you could;

Sir Patrick Moore

1923 - 2012

Patrick Moore had presented 'The Sky at Night' since 1957 up until last month.
He has inspired a generation of Astronomers.
Below are some clips from the show and some pictures from Patrick's career.

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Patrick Moore plays the xylophone

Sir Patrick Moore (l) and comedian Michael Bentine (r) wear space suits on The Sky at Night