You won't need to buy any equipment and you can do it from the comfort of your computer.
You just need to get a log in for the National School's Observatory (NSO) off Mr Williams.
It's free and it allows you to request the Liverpool John Moores University telescope, located in sunny Tenerife high up on a mountain, to take an image of a point of interest of your choosing in the night sky.
The special thing about this is that they are YOUR images.
The University got funding for the project by giving up time on their telescope to schools like ours so your image will be unique.
You can use it to get images of the Planets, Craters on the Moon, Nebulae, Galaxies or even search for asteroids.
Below are some examples of 3 colour images produced by our Astronomy class of 2012 as part of their coursework.
M57 (The Ring Nebula) by Lottie Aitken NGC 6946 by Emma Irving
Just get logged in, click on 'Go Observing' and follow the instructions.
You may have to wait a few days for the telescope to get round to taking your image.
Once you have your obesrvations you will need to download and use LT image to view them.
This page explains it all.